Automated Machine Learning

A large-scale AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) Platform


One Click

One-click deployment to any cloud platform.


Platform Agnostic

Choose commercial cloud of your choice.



Reduce model training and automation time.



Scalable implementation of ML algorithms.


Reduced Cost

Avoid dev-ops and data engieer costs.


Scalable AutoML

Our scalable AutoML framework sits at the core of our AIaaS soltion providing solutions to any classification or regression problem on tabular data. Application extends to several market segments such as finance, telecommunications, automotive, medicine, manufacturing, etc.

Unique Selling Points

Our Auto-ML platform provides a comprehensive model training and automation services along with bias and explainable AI and meets the current AI EU act requirements.

Scalable Execution

Framework deployed on a cloud platform can scale up the execution in real time with the addition of added nodes.

Model Automation

The complex process of model automation is simplified for the end user and made available via a few mouse clicks.

Feature Importance

Incorporates state-of-art model agnostic methods applied before model training to help highlight most relevant features.

Feature Drift

Continously monitor the steady drift in models features using state-of-art statistical measures and their affect on the trained model.

Model Drift

Quantitative measures for model drift and timely generated alarms for model retraining to ensure monetary contribution of the use-case.

Bias Awareness

Comprehensive list of model fairness indicators to keep track of model bias against protected features such as gender, postal area. see examples.

Explainable AI

Post-hoc analysis of contributing model features and their collective affect on final model prediction. see examples.

Auto-ML Use-Cases

We have developed several use-cases based on our automated machine learning framework, following are few highlighted ones.


Customer Satisfaction

Profound techniques to measure customer satisfaction on various touch-points along with the services a company provides to its customers.


Targeted Marketing

Optimization of campaign activities by precisely segmenting customers for target offers, to increase convergence for x- and upselling activities.


Channel Optimization

Performance measurement of various customer touch-points w.r.t customer journeys and optimization techniques to push selected channels.


Churn and Retention

Identification of potential churners in due time to maximize retention efforts and give actionable insights on factors governing churn, e.g., bad customer experience.


Recomender Systems

Understanding the choice of the customers among the different product offerings und according provide a scoring for each product per customer to boost cross-selling.


Predictive maintenance

Use of telemetry data to perform automated anomaly detection, diagnosis, and prediction by making use of our automated machine learning framework.